We need your support to elevate Minnesota’s farms and food to improve our future. Here’s how you can demonstrate the importance of a strong food and farming economy in our state with your community and elected officials and candidates.

Add your voice. Find out how your legislative candidates and the state’s gubernatorial candidates responded to our vision for elevating Minnesota’s farms and food economy. Look up your candidates and send them a message to thank them for their support or encourage them to participate.

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Spread the word. Tell the people in your life why we need to #ElevateMN and focus on our future.

Share our website on social media channels with your friends and family to help them stay informed, too.

And stay updated on all things related to Minnesota’s farm and food economy by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

Find Out More

Once you see where your candidate stands on farm and food issues, be sure to vote.

You can register to vote, find out election dates, find your polling location, monitor candidate filings and find other answers to commonly asked questions at the Secretary of State website.

Vote on Tuesday, Nov. 6, or vote early before election (it’s a simple process!).